Fantastic time and results for the team at the 17th IDF World Championships in Pula. We came back with 11 Gold, 12 Silver and 8 Bronze medals from our team of 54. How utterly fantastic you all were, and England came 3rd.
2020 Championships cancelled due to Covid will be held online over the weekend of March 27th/28th and the date for the 2021 Championships will also be held online date tbc...anyone wishing to know more please contact Angie on 07768 310521
Many Congratulations to Aeron Lloyd Booth and Xenia Braganini who have passed their IDF Judges exams and are now England Judges.
England Dance Squad
England Dance Squad trains, supports and enables young dancers and gymnasts to represent their country at the International Dance Federation(IDF) World and European Championships.
We are a "Not for Profit" Community Organisation headed up be four professional Dance Teachers who have been involved with the IDF for the last 13 years. During that time we have supported over 800 dancers and been placed very near the top of the league table of countries competing. We recruit dancers from all over England. We liaise and organize the team on a voluntary basis. We are very proud of our young dancers who dedicate themselves with enthusiasm and hard work to deliver the highest standards possible.
You can help
We are looking for extra sponsorship/funding to help assist gifted dancers who cannot afford the expense of representing England at these prestigious events. Although we organize sponsored activities for the dancers, we would like to be able to support talented dancers who do not have the financial means. There are many ways you could help, sponsoring team tracksuits, dance bags, rehearsal costs, travel costs.
Please contact us if you would like more information: Angie 07768 310521
The Team behind EDS
Angie Whittle
A Licentiate of the Imperial Society of Dance, an adjudicator with the British Federation of Festivals and President of England Dance Squad.
Angie has been an England Judge since 2007 and is the Principal of Westminster School of Performing Arts.
Paula Gosnell
An Associate of the Imperial Society of Dance and runs her own school "Paula Gosnell School of Dance " in Dartford, Kent. Paula choreographs many shows and has been responsible for many "Gold" winning numbers
Xenia Bragagnini
Xenia deals with all the social media and school recruitment for England Dance Squad, she is also a qualified teacher with the I.S.T.D and has been Adult Tap World Champion
Ruth Ferguson
Ruth runs her own company "Salsa Naturally" based in South London and is a qualified UKA instructor. Ruth has been bringing her Salsa dancers to the IDF World Championships since 2008 gaining many Gold, Silver and Bronze medals